2. Relaxed Object in the City

Museum is to house an accumulation of curated works either to juxtapose diff erences or to help viewers discover similarities among irrelevant objects. What if we see museum itself as an accumulation of spatial characteristics that not only for visitors to appreciate purely, but also to enhance the spatial experience of viewing currated elements?

By studying and reimagining the mechanics and rigid quality of an old-fashioned convertible furniture and the over-relaxed quality of the physical model, this project is to create a multi-story museum that contains diversified spaces and threshold conditions. Visitors will move through highly organized Stacked Tower, congested spaces that nested between “soft ” lining and rigid structures, and galleries in diff erent atmospheres.

YEAR: Spring, 2020
LOCATION: Littlle Tokyo, Downtown Los Angeles, USA
ROLE: Collaborative Project with Tiantian Dun
